just because....

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I found this on Pinterest the other day.  I've come to enjoy this so much more than I ever expected.  When I started, I knew I'd enjoy the baking part but wasn't sold on the blogging part.  Just a couple months in and I am sold!

3 tasty sweet comments:

Cicada said...

Love it :) I know, I think keeping a blog used to keep me sane. I took all my archives down (except for one year's worth I think) and had it all put into a book; there's a bunch of sites out there that will do that for you if you ever decide to-! And, yeah, Pinterest. I had to temporarily walk away from it because it was so completely addicting for me. (Must... pin... one...more...thing...) :)

Angela said...

I'm glad you're blogging it ... I'm fascinated by it! It is cool seeing all the unique flavors you have and the creations you do!

Oliver Walsh said...

Thanks for this

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