
Friday, July 13, 2012

Favorite Things Friday {#3}

I have been absent from blogging as of late.  I keep up the best I can with all my favorite blog reading and end up being so jealous of the multiple posts going on.  Oh well, such is life.  I do what I can and thank the readers I have for hanging on anyway!  Here are some of my favorite things right now.

#1 The best dog sitters EVER!
The last few weeks have been a bit of a struggle for me.  I had some long days of extra hours at work which means Izzy would have several long days home alone.  Not the case when she has her "grandparent's" house to go to.  My parents have helped me out so much, letting Izzy have mini vacations at their house where she can go swimming, help in the garden, and go on long walks around the trails my Dad made out in the field.

She's happy and that makes me happy!

#2  My first guest post!
I had my first guest post for another blog this week.  Check out the cupcakes I made for Keri, Blue Raspberry Beach Cupcakes, HERE!  I adapted the recipe from a cake mix, {gasp!} for the first time.  Though I enjoy making cupcakes from scratch, it was a time saver so I could spend more time on the decorations.  Thanks to Keri for inviting me, I had fun. 

#3 Thrift Gift Exchange

a punk, a pumpkin and a peanut

Some wonderful bloggers set up a mass gift exchange among bloggers across the country.  Those of us that enjoy thrifting have a $10 limit to go thrifting for their partner.  I'm on the search for something (or things) perfect for Jenn from Passenger Seat Perspectives! 
#4 Supportive Friends and Family
I did something a month ago that I haven't done in many (14is) years.  I worked on my resume.  Not exactly the "what I did on my summer vacation" story I would prefer but it happened.  I had the opportunity to apply for a position within the organization I am currently working.  It was a bit of a nerve racking experience to say the least.  There were over 300 applicants and I was lucky enough to be invited in for an interview on Monday.  Business suit clad, I arrived with a ton of nerves (to say the least)!  It's a strange feeling walking into your place of employment as a visitor.  Sadly I got the dreaded phone call from HR on Wednesday morning.  I'm not going to lie, there were tears.  As much as I was disappointed, I was also relieved to have that month of wondering and worrying behind me.  There was a mass text sent out and the replies that came back were all wonderful, supportive and a good reminder of the amazing people in my life!
#5 WEEKENDS (real non-working weekends)
Or see #1 and #4!  I actually have a semi-real weekend.  I'm off today and Saturday and don't have to be back in to work until Sunday afternoon.  I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.  I'll try to post some of my weekend fun on Instagram (I'm still loving Instagram!). 
Sorry if some (most) of this post appeared a bit pity party-ish.  It's been a long week.  Don't forget to check out my beach cupcake guest post, they were so much fun to make.  Maybe Izzy and I need to head to the beach this weekend.  How does that Zach Brown Band song go? 
"I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand
Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
Life is good today, life is good today?"


  1. I am SO so glad to have you, Sara .. those beach cakes are adorable!! And hopefully there are bigger and brighter things to come for you! In the mean time, there are always cupcakes :)

  2. Hello, I have nominated you for the "Versatile Blogger" award....come on over to my blog to collect
