
Monday, May 28, 2012

A Glimpse At Home (Tasty) Sweet Home

Sorry I haven't baked in a while, I promise I'm not giving up on cupcakes!  With the weather warming up there is just so much more on my plate outside of the kitchen.  I love this time of year as the various plants in my yard start to bloom.  I stand back in awe at my somewhat green thumb capabilities.  When I bought my house just about 6 years ago, the yard was a blank canvas.  I've tried to add mostly flowering plants, they just make me happy.  Most of these are in the front yard and in plain sight from one of my favorite spots, the front porch.  Unfortunately this year, there are some big projects I need to accomplish. 

First thing I my "to do" list is wash the front of the house.  I love the covered porch but the rain just doesn't get to that dust and dirt.  I didn't realize how dirty it was until I looked at this picture.  The next major project will be painting the railings and step risers.  I will need the perfect day with ample time and good weather, wish me luck.  Thankfully the porch itself is no maintenance decking, no work there!  The wicker furniture needs a fresh coat of paint too.  I'll be adding a few flower pots soon, even though I have flowering perennials planted about, I usually do a few planters with annuals for some extra color.  I can happily report I have already purchased some new cushions for the wicker furniture and have made a bright wreath for the front door out of fabric scraps.  Those were easy tasks to complete and get off my list, check! and check!

1.  I can't remember what this flower is called and have misplaced the card that came in the pot.  Anyone know what it could be?  2.  I planted two day lily plants a few years ago, one red and one pink.  They have really multiplied, can't wait for them to bloom!

3.  I love my rose bush, even though I have no idea what variety of roses it produces.  It has a crazy amount of buds on it this year, I just love it!  4.  I have two hydrangea bushes out front too, one on either side of the front porch.  Each bush has several of these buds that I can't wait to see bloom.  These plants were the first thing I planted when I moved in and they have been giving me pretty purple bouquets ever since.  5.  This row of tiger lilies is a new addition as of late last summer.  I had the chance to transplant these from a neighbor's yard when they had to remove them for basement wall repairs.  They seem to have survived the winter, only time will tell if they bloom.

Well, that is a sample of what I have growing in my front yard.  I will hopefully share some progress on the front porch with all of you soon.  Having a yard to maintain can be a lot of work but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm proud of my yard, weeds and all!  Any green thumb I have is by accident so I welcome any gardening tips/tricks you may have.

I'm sharing this post with others showing off their gardens at Jennifer Rizzo.  She's hosting a garden tour link party.  I can definitely find some inspiration for my yard there!

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